Hi, I’m Seth!
In addition to my job, which I really enjoy doing, I also enjoy traveling, taking photographs and playing with computers (photo editing, video editing, drawing pictures, writing applications, and generally playing around). I have to admit to being a food lover, and I always look forward to trying new foods in the places I visit!
In 2010 I was awarded a master of science degree from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Howard University in Washington, DC. Following my graduation, I was invited back to the Prince George’s County Public Schools Infants and Toddlers Program in Maryland where I had performed one of my internships. I’ve served on both the dedicated assessment team there as well as the treatment team.
Currently I work doing private practice in Tokyo, Japan, and the surrounding area.
My interests and specialties include:
- Pediatric speech and language delays and disorders
- Assistive Technology, especially in the realm of Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Neurogenic speech and language disorders (acquired and developmental)
- Culturally and linguistically diverse populations
Guest lectures I’ve presented:
- Howard University – Washington DC – Creating Low-Cost & Free High-Tech AAC Devices
- Iona University – New York, NY – Working with Cultural & Linguistic Diversity in Early Intervention
- Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy – Okinawa, Japan – Speech Language Pathology in the USA
- Shonan Kamakura General Hospital– Okinawa, Japan – Speech Language Pathology in the USA
- Okinawa Rehabilitation Center Hospital – Okinawa, Japan – Treatment Models & Environment
A wonderful write-up. Thank you so much!
An awesome write-up. Thanks!
This is certainly one of certainly the best post.
An awesome article. Thank you so much!
An awesome post. Thanks!
I am particularly interested to know what services our son and DIL may have in Okinawa for their 30 month old son who has been recently diagnosed as having mixed receptive expressive disorder. Our son is US military and will be stationed there for the next three years. We know that early intervention is critical in helping children reach their full potential. Any resources you can provide us would be appreciated.
Hi Cheryl,
Terribly sorry for the late reply.
I used to work for USNH Okinawa and I can tell you that there are services available based on your grandchild’s eligibility.
I highly encourage your son and DIL to connect with EDIS through the USNH. They have some excellent providers and can make sure that your grandchild is evaluated.
Please ask your son and DIL to connect with EFMP to ensure that your grandchild’s needs are understood and can be appropriately addressed in Okinawa.
Thanks so much!
Warmest regards,
Does the Diadochokinetics Assessment App support iOS 11? I work in an organization that supports Speech Language Pathologists and have received reports of functionality issues with the app in iOS 11.
JR Trembly
I am looking for a native English speaker who is a licensed or certified Speech Pathologist to begin private therapy with my child in my home 1-2 times per week for a hour session in Tokyo. P.S My chid is trilingual. We have a psychoeducational evaluation report.