I’m Seth Koster, a Speech Language Pathologist from the USA. I’ve worked in educational and clinical settings. I’ve guest lectured at universities and hospitals in both the USA and Japan.
Over the years I’ve learned a few things, and this website is a way for me to share what I’ve learned. My goal is to make your life with your loved one who may have some special needs easier and more stress free.
I also write apps for SLPs and for people with special needs. Some of which are free and some of which cost money. I’ve written for Android, Windows 8 and iOS (iPad, iPhone), but I think I’ll be concentrating on iOS since that’s where people seem to be most interested in my apps.
Apple App Store – iPad iPhone iOS
Windows App Store – Windows 8 Windows 10
I’d love any feedback, including reviews or just comments!
Thanks for reading!
Hello! I am one of the SLPs that consulted to Flummox and Friends and I’m so happy that you like the show and would like to use it in your work! I hope you found our dollaondabwe Professional Guide on the website and an SLP in the Boston area has created his own treatment plan for running social thinking groups using the pilot episode so I thought I’d share that with you as well! Take care!